Friday, December 25, 2020

Future scope of selenium with java

The scope of software tester career varies from company to company. It mainly depends on employee skill level and experience. There are so many demand openings for Java plus selenium than python and C#. Java has many libraries and frameworks for a software tester. In the job point of view, java is the more preferred one.

The market trends of selenium software testing and test automation are continuously changing with selenium. It has huge growth in a shorter period. Selenium makes the software tester more convenient for functional testing. As a professional software test engineer one should have sufficient domain knowledge on programming language and particular applications that are automating. Selenium has massive demand among automation testing tools. Thus most of the companies are increasingly making use of it for web applications.

Job opportunities for selenium 

   Several numbers of companies have started to use web applications with selenium. This selenium software testing has experienced huge growth in a short period and this has boosted the market for test automation. The popular job roles you can consider to work as a selenium tester,

  • Senior test engineer

  • Automation Test Lead

  • Quality Engineer

  • Selenium Automation Analyst

  • QA Engineer

The bottom line 

Selenium Java is the most popular tool in the field of software automation testing, whereas Java, on the other hand, is the most used programming language in today’s market. Therefore, both of these technologies together make a perfect combination for software testing.